Trigger point map in 3D Back

SwaTanTra – Pain analytics and solutions for everyone email

Sending you some quick updates on how SwaTanTra is progressing. We are making significant progress with the 3D model that we have decided to go straight developing that rather than a 2D version and then a 3D one. So here is what we have been doing.


We are currently working on our third build which has just been delivered a few hours ago (have not tried it yet). We have fixed the wide angle camera effect that we were getting earlier along with significant improvement in rotation and move interface of the model. 

 Pain Layers
Another important non code related milestones was crossed last weekend. All pain layers (about 500 odd distincy pain patterns) and all Trp point about 240 (120 X 2 sides) have been mapped and loaded on the model. Here are some images of the model. The one thing i realised as I look a this image is how much Trigger Points that ahve evolved from modern anatomical research by Dr. Travell in the 1970s are similar in location to ancient chinere acccupressure and Indian marma points. 

Amazing  isn’t it. I will try to create 3D animation and upload to our FB page so you can see it in all its 3D glory.

Thank you once again for your support.


 Trigger point map in 3D Back  Trigger Point 3D map Front



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