Understand Pain as a Thai Massage Therapist
While there is no doubt that a well delivered Thai Massage helps to address many common pain issues however as Thai Massage Therapist we can also understand this pain from a anatomical point of view. Most chronic aches and pain have their origins within the musculo-skeletal sysetms which is interconnected with connective tissue matrix. The articles below delve into some of the common aches and pains and how to address them. Do read the articles on Trigger Point Therapy and the relation to Thai Massage. Our Basic and Intermediate courses work from a experiential point by helping you feel areas of trauma on your client and work out the most efficient and effective way to manage them.

Myofascial adhesions
Myofascial adhesions are one of the primary reasons for the symptoms of aging. The adhesions that occur within the soft tissue of the body cause one layer to get stuck to an adjacent layer. In the context of muscle, this can cause a reduction is the range of movement, loss of independent movement of muscle groups, constriction or arteries, nerves and veins.
The reason for these adhesions is well documented. Do read our blog on Advanced Glycation End products which are the primary cause of these adhesions.

While the nociceptive influence of Trigger points (TrPs) is well known not much thought has yet has been given on the exact causes of why TrPs form. The underlying cause of TrP formation is the overworking of muscles. On the basis of the Sliding Filament Theory, it is concluded, that TrPs form because of the Actin-Myosin bond not uncoupling. This, in turn, is caused by the shortage of ATP in the muscle cell. On that basis, this paper presents four possible scenarios from the perspective of ATP demand and supply on how TrPs form: